S.No | Name & Designation of the employee | Contact Details | Intercom Number | Email id |
1 | Dr. Abha Rani Singh, IRS, Chairman-cum-Managing Director | +91-11-22441635 | 202 |
abha[dot]111796[dot]cbdt[at]nic[dot]in cmd[dot]nmdfc[at]gmail[dot]com |
2 | Sh Anil Kumar, Dy. Gen. Manager (Proj. And L&R) / CVO | +91-11-22460253 | 221 |
a[dot]kumar28[at]nic[dot]in aniljitesh[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
3 | Sh. Kumar Sudesh, Dy. Gen. Manager (Fin. And Coordination) | +91-11-22441438 | 212 |
k[dot]sudesh27[at]nic[dot]in kumarsudesh0367[at]gmail[dot]com |
4 | Sh Nixon Mathur, Dy. Gen. Manager (Planning) / Company Secretary | +91-11-22441435 | 211 |
n[dot]mathur28[at]nic[in] nixmat[at]gmail[dot]com |
5 | Sh Manoj Punia, Dy. Gen. Manager ( Accounts) | +91-11-22040667 | 208 |
m[dot]punia29[at]nic[dot]in puniamanoj0810[at]gmail[dot]com |
6 | Sh P.S. Pawnikar, Dy. Gen. Manager (HRM & Admn/System & Skill Development/OL/RM) | +91-11-22441453 | 217 |
ps[dot]pawnikar29[at]nic[dot]in Pawnikar[at]gmail[dot]com |
7 | Sh. Sachin Kumar, Asst. Gen. Manager (Accts.) | - | 233 |
s[dot]kumar41[at]nic[in] sachin[dot]nmdfc[at]gmail[dot]com |
8 | Sh. D. Das, Chief Manager (HR/Admin) / PIO | +91-11-22441455 | 215 |
d[dot]das27[at]nic[in] ddas_nmdfc[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
9 | Sh. Jauedul Hasan, Chief Manager (Planning) | - | 222 |
j[dot]hasan39[at]nic[in] javedul08[at]gmail[dot]com |
10 | Sh. S.M. Jha, Dy. Manager (OL &RM) | +91-11-22441442 | 209 |
sm[dot]jha39[at]nic[in] somitram[at]gmail[dot]com |
11 | Sh. Pradeep Kr. Gupta, Dy. Manager (Legal & Recovery) | - | 216 | pradeepgupta111[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in |
12 | Sh Harish Sharma, Dy. Manager (Pub. & Social Media) | - | 225 | dmhari[dot]cs[at]gmail[dot]com |
13 | Sh. Vikas Khatri, Dy. Manager (Finance) / APIO | - | 243 | vikas2715[at]gmail[dot]com |
14 | Sh. Narendra Kumar Nitharwal, Dy. Manager (Accounts) | - | 210 | nk[dot]nmdfc[at]gmail[dot]com |
15 | Sh. Rajan Yadav, Dy. Manager (Systems & Skill Dev.) | - | 253 |
r[dot]yadav53[at]gov[in] rajan[dot]nmdfc[at]gmail[dot]com |
16 | Sh. Sushil Saini, Asstt. Manager (Admin/Projects/Planning) | - | - | saini[dot]sushil73[at]gmail[dot]com |
17 | Sh. Vipin Nijhawan, Asstt. Manager (Projects and L&R) | - | 213 | vip_nijh[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
18 | Sh. Dharmender Kumar, Asstt. Manager (Fin.) | - | 218 | dharmu_bhai[at]yahoo[dot]com |
19 | Sh. Vinod Kumar Prajapati, Asstt. Manager (Systems) | - | 219 |
v[dot]prajapati41[at]nic[dot]in vinodnmdfc[at]gmail[dot]com |
20 | Smt.Shermin Quareshi, Asstt. Manager (Accts) | - | 214 |
sharmeenq302govcontractor[dot]in sharmeen_mazhar[at]yahoo[dot]com |
21 | Sh. Brij Mohan, Assistant Manager ( CMD Secretariat)) | +91-11-22441635 | 206 | nmdfc[dot]brij[at]gmail[dot]com |
22 | Smt. Urmila Kumari, Assistant Manager(CS) | +91-11-22441452 | 223 |
u[dot]kumari35[at]nic[dot]in urmila_indrajeet[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in |
23 | Sh. Samson Messy, Supervisor (Admn.) | - | 252 | nmdfcsamson[at]gmail[dot]com |
24 | Sh. Anand Prasad, Supervisor (Admn)- | - | 234 | anandprasad1970[at]gmail[dot]com |
25 | Sh. Shankar Ram, Supervisor (Planning.) | - | 236 | nmdfcram[at]gmail[dot]com |
26 | Sh. Mohan Ram, Supervisor (Accts.) | - | 230 | mohan_197010[at]yahoo[dot]in |
27 | Miss. Komal, Supervisor (planning.) | - | 235 |
k[dot]komal54[atgovcontractor[dot]in komal[dot]nmdfc[at]gmail[dot]com |
28 | Sh. Mansingh Meena, Supervisor (Proj.) | - | 241 | mansinghsattawan[at]gmail[dot]com |
29 | Sh. Pankaj Kumar Arya, Supervisor (H&A/S&SD) | - | 255 | pankajnmdfc1994[at]gmail[dot]com |
30 | Sh. Ashok Saini, Assistant | - | - | aKSaini180371[at]gmail[dot]com |
31 | Sh. Gangaram Gautam, Assistant | - | - | nmdfcganga[at]gmail[dot]com |
32 | Sh. Sher Bahadur, Assistant | - | - | sherbhadur8800[at]gmail[dot]com |
33 | Sh. Sheetla Prasad, Assistant | - | - | sheetlanmdfc[at]gmail[dot]com |
34 | Sh. Prem Chand, Jr. Assistant | - | - | - |
35 | Sh. Gourav Gautam, Jr. Assistant | - | - | gauravgautam8445[at]gmail[dot]com |