Chapter 2 : Organisation structure, functions and duties [SECTION 4(1)(B)(i)]


Particulars of organization, functions and duties 

2.1 Objective/purpose of the public authority. 

To promote economic and developmental activities for the benefit of the backward sections amongst the Minorities, preference being given to the occupational groups and women:

2.2 Mission/Vision Statement of the public authority.


Economic empowerment of weaker sections amongst Minorities.


  • Promote Economic Activities through provision of Concessional Finance.
  • Promote Developmental activities primarily through:
    • Marketing Support
    • Awareness/Advocacy Programmes

2.3 Brief history of the public authority and context of its formation.

NATIONAL MINORITIES DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCE CORPORATION (NMDFC) was incorporated as a Government Company, on September 30, 1994 under then Ministry of Welfare  as a Company not for profit under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (Now Section 8 under Companies Act, 2013). NMDFC is working under the aegis of Ministry of Minority Affairs since 2006.  As on date, Government of India and State Governments hold the entire equity share capital of the Company.

2.4 Duties of the public authority.

It is the duty of NMDFC to carry out the objectives mentioned in clause III.A of Memorandum of Association. Apart from this, in the functioning of the Company, it is also the duty of the Company to adhere to regulations contained in Memorandum & Articles of Association of the  Company, and various norms, policies, guidelines issued by various Statutory Authorities, Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India],    Government of India, Foreign Contribution Unit of Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

2.5 Main activities/functions of the public authority.


  1. Term Loan Scheme 
  2. Educational Loan Scheme
  3. Virasat Scheme
  4. Micro Financing Scheme


  1. Marketing Assistance Scheme


2.6 List of services being provided by the public authority with a brief write-up on them

i. To promote economic and developmental activities for the benefits  of "Backward sections" amongst the minorities, preference being given to occupational  gropus and women., 

ii. To assist, subject to such income and/or economic criteria as may be prescribed by the Government from time to time, the Minorities individuals or groups of Minorities individuals by way of loans and advances for economically and financially viable schemes and projects; under micro financing scheme, group of individuals belonging to the minorities will include such groups in which predominantly (75% and above) members belongs to minority community. In very exceptional cases this may include those group also where upto 60% members belong to minority community provided other members belong to Weaker sections including Scheduled castes/scheduled tribes, other backward classes and disabled. (as per the EGM held on 1.11.1999 and CG approval vide letter 3/17/T-1/2000/D/8278 dated 9.2.2000).

iii. To promote self-employment and other ventures for the benefit of minorities.

iv. To grant loans and advances at such rates of interest as may be determined from time to time in accordance with the guidelines or schemes prescribed by the Central Government or by the Reserve Bank of India;

v. To extend loans and advances to the eligible members belonging to the minorities for pursuing general/professional/technical education or training at graduate and higher level.

vi. To assist in the upgradation of technical and entrepreneurial skills of minorities for proper and efficient management of production units.

vii. To assist the state level organisations dealing with the development of the minorities by way of providing financial assistance or equity contribution and in obtaining commercial funding or by way of refinancing.

viii. To work as an apex institution for coordinating and monitoring the work of all corporations/boards/other bodies set up by the state government/Union Territory Administrations for, or given the responsibility of assisting the minorities for their economic development; and

ix. To help in furthering the Government policies and programmes for the development of minorities. 

2.7 Organizational Structure Diagram at various levels namely State, Directorate, Region,  District, Block etc. (whichever is applicable).

2.8 Expectation of the public authority from the public for enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency.

Under the various Schemes of lending / promotional schemes, the public namely the beneficiaries should follow all the procedures for availing the same

2.9 Arrangements and methods made for seeking public participation/contribution.

Exhibitions and Fairs, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops being held at various places at India.

2.10 Mechanism available for monitoring the services delivery and public grievance resolution.

I. Monitoring of SCAs – periodic verification of utilization certificates, progress reports received, detailed list of beneficiaries received.

II. Monitoring of NGOs, pre and post sanction study physically by officers for this purpose.

III. Impact Study

IV. Grievance redressal mechanism- CPGRAM

2.11 Addresses of the main office and other offices at different levels. (Please categories the addresses district wise for facilitating the understanding by the user).

A. Particulars of Registered Office

Address of Registered office :
SCOPE Minar, 1st Floor, Core 1, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092
No: +91-11-22441452
Phone No: 

Web site :  www[dot]nmdfc[dot]org  toll free no. 14402

Mobile app on android and iOS.

2.12 Morning hours of the office : 9.30 am
Closing hours of the office : 6.00 pm
(Monday to Friday)

Visit Us Now
1st Floor, Core-1, Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110092

22441442 / 44 / 52 / 53 / 55


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